Somehow this is still pretty fun in 2020.
Somehow this is still pretty fun in 2020.
Cool game! It was way too easy though. Every puzzle was solved in pretty much 5 seconds except for two of them. The visuals are nice and the boss is a neat idea although the only time you can really lose to him is if you put yourself in a position where he can hit you. I think you should have him try to attack you from wherever you are to make it more intense. Overall it's polished and I like it, but could use some better design.
Simple but somewhat charming. The gameplay was all right, and the way it was taught through the levels was nice. The controls don't really bother me but I'm confused as to why W and Y were used since I think using Z alone is good enough. The main problem is just how it's kinda generic, the final boss wasn't really challenging and the slime monsters could've been used in cooler ways other than just moving around slowly and having to get shot at to be killed. I still liked it but some innovation would've gone a long way.
Pretty absurd and funny, I wish it was a little longer though. I really liked the pauses between music when you make choices.
Gameplay is pretty solid, you should add different types of platforms and powerups to make it more interesting though. I think the game should get faster every 70 or so points (just something sooner than 100), and the screen shake when you touch the ground after a leap is a good design choice.
Really cool entry. The gameplay is taught to you instantly and the flowers appearing based on when you grab the previous one is a good design choice too, because you won't spend time waiting for new ones to appear.
My only nitpick is that you make the sound for obtaining a flower a little louder.
Thank you very much ! I'll try to adjust sounds in an updated version !
I liked it! The sound effects are pretty good and make it satisfying to kill enemies, although I would add more enemies and end wave 3 faster because it took a while to get through without ramping up the challenge.
I encountered a glitch on the first level where I missed my shot and I couldn't fire anything else and had to die. The leaderboard feature seems really nice, but I don't think it works since it just says "Loading..." over and over again.
Small improvements to these things and more gameplay variety would make this game much better and fun.
Thank you for your feedback :)
I make some games
Joined on 2/26/20